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Mastering Deadlock How to Create and Optimize Your Build

Learn how to create a custom build or use a public build in Deadlock, optimize your heroes, and explore community options

Charly Heude 12/09/2024 22:23

Looking to craft your own build or use a public one in Deadlock? Whether you want to personalize your heroes or get inspired by community creations, Deadlock offers a variety of builds to optimize your gameplay.

Have you found your favorite hero in Valve’s MOBA? If you think you have the perfect build, you can create it yourself or use a popular one from the community and save it for future use.

For more on Deadlock, check out our ultimate guide to farming and jungling in Deadlock, or discover our new player guide to Deadlock.

Selecting a build in Deadlock

How to Create a Build in Deadlock

First, choose the character for which you want to create a build. Enter the game’s Sandbox mode to experiment freely, without the pressure of an actual Deadlock match.

Next, head to the shop and follow these simple steps:

  • Select “Browse Builds” from the top-right corner of the Builds box.
  • Choose “Create New Build” from the top-left of the screen.
  • Name your build in the dedicated text box.
  • Define the categories (early game, mid game, late game).
  • Add a description to remind yourself of the purpose of each category.
  • Search for abilities in the Weapons, Vitality, and Spirit tabs, then add them to your build.
  • Drag the abilities into the appropriate category in the Builds tab.
  • Save your changes once your build is complete.

If you need help organizing the abilities to use during the game, click the “Edit” button to arrange the abilities in a recommended upgrade order.

How to Use a Public Build

If you prefer to use community builds, Deadlock offers a multitude of builds created by other players. Here’s how to access public builds:

  • Click on “Browse Builds” in the shop.
  • Select the Public tab on the left side of the screen.
  • Choose a build and load it into your Builds tab.
  • Add it to your favorites by clicking the heart icon for quick access in future games.

If a build isn’t quite right for you but you like some of its features, you can use the “Copy & Edit” option to tweak the build to your preferences.

Written by the Insider:

Editorial manager at, Charly has been working in Writing and SEO for about ten years. He enjoys staying at home and chatting with strangers about gaming, the latest music videos, anime, and esports. He’s always ready to create a guide on any game, from League of Legends to Call of Duty or GTA 6.

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