Screenshot Astro Bot with Days Gone and Astro Bot logos

Days Gone Creator Spills the Tea on Deacons Cameo in Astro Bot

The creator of Days Gone criticizes Deacon’s appearance in Astro Bot, but the gaming community enthusiastically welcomes this cameo despite his disagreement

Charly Heude 12/09/2024 18:37

The Creator of Days Gone Is Unhappy with Deacon St. John’s Appearance in Astro Bot. Although known for paying homage to PlayStation franchises with cameos from icons like Kratos and Nathan Drake, Astro Bot has ruffled feathers. Specifically, it didn’t sit well with John Garvin, the creative director of the post-apocalyptic game.

While Days Gone received mixed reviews upon release, it quickly won over a loyal fanbase, snagging several awards like the Golden Joystick and the Webby for its storytelling and original score. Bend Studio introduced memorable characters such as Deacon, Sarah Whitaker, and Iron Mike in a world devastated by zombies.

To learn more about the PlayStation universe, check out our article on the new Astro Bot DLC or read our comprehensive report on Black Ops 6 and the latest developments in its open beta.

Creative Director’s Discontent with Deacon’s Use in Astro Bot

Recently, Garvin voiced his frustration over Deacon’s appearance in an Astro Bot promotional illustration. The image shows Deacon leaning against a palm tree, watching two Puppy Bots playing on the beach. For Garvin, this portrayal “reduces” Deacon to a mere promotional tool. Another developer from Bend Studio, Gabriel, defended the inclusion, stating that Deacon shouldn’t be “put in a closet.” Garvin responded humorously about his own harshness while sticking to his disagreement.

Astro Bot is generally seen as a tribute to PlayStation’s history, celebrating its iconic characters. Besides Deacon, the game includes references to heroes like Aloy, Crash Bandicoot, and Ratchet & Clank. However, the creative director of Days Gone seems to feel that Deacon’s inclusion isn’t fitting for the character.

Impact on the Gaming Community

Despite Garvin’s reservations, part of the gaming community seems excited to see Deacon in Astro Bot. The game has been a commercial and critical success, reinforcing the idea that such collaborations could be beneficial in the future. Bend Studio is now working on new projects, leaving the debate over Deacon’s place in Astro Bot open for interpretation.

Source: John Garvin on X

Written by the Insider:

Editorial manager at, Charly has been working in Writing and SEO for about ten years. He enjoys staying at home and chatting with strangers about gaming, the latest music videos, anime, and esports. He’s always ready to create a guide on any game, from League of Legends to Call of Duty or GTA 6.

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