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Deadlock Console Commands Ultimate Guide to Server Switching and Sandbox Mode Testing

Discover the console commands in Deadlock to change servers, activate cheats, and test the sandbox mode. Be cautious of unexpected effects!

Charly Heude 05/09/2024 17:37

Ready to dive into the console commands for Deadlock? These commands let you tweak settings and experiment in sandbox mode. Be cautious while modifying game settings—they can have unexpected effects! We’ve compiled a list of the most helpful commands for you.

To open the console in Deadlock, simply press F7.

For more Deadlock tips, check out our comprehensive FPS optimization guide or our article on whether Deadlock will make it to consoles.

Screenshot of Deadlock console command menu

Switch Servers in Deadlock with Console Commands

To change your server region, enter the following commands in the console to bypass server time restrictions:

  • North America: citadel_region_override 0
  • Europe: citadel_region_override 1
  • Asia: citadel_region_override 2
  • South America: citadel_region_override 3
  • Oceania: citadel_region_override 5
  • Automatic: citadel_region_override -1

General Deadlock Console Commands

Note: Commands marked with a ! require cheats to be enabled, but do not need a ! at the start of the command.

Activate cheats with this command: sv_cheats true

  • bindss [player] [key] [command]: Bind a command/input to a key.
  • changelevel: Load a new map (e.g., switch from sandbox to Deadlock’s main map by using street_test).
  • citadel_hero_testing_enabled true: Enable testing tools in sandbox mode, even on different maps.
  • ! citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhere true: Purchase items anywhere on the map.
  • citadel_hud_visible false: Hide the user interface.
  • citadel_hud_visible true: Show the user interface again.
  • citadel_crosshair_pip_gap [number]: Adjust your crosshair gap.
  • ! explode: Instantly die.
  • ! dump_hero_names: List all available heroes (including unpublished ones in development).
  • ! getpos: Retrieve your current coordinates.
  • ! setpos [number]: Move to specified coordinates.
  • ! selecthero [hero name]: Switch heroes (use names listed in the dump_hero_names command).
  • ! hurtme: Inflict 10 damage points on yourself.
  • ! kill: Instantly die.
  • ! trooper_kill_all: Eliminate all enemy minions.
  • unbind [key]: Remove all binds from a key.
Written by the Insider:

Editorial manager at, Charly has been working in Writing and SEO for about ten years. He enjoys staying at home and chatting with strangers about gaming, the latest music videos, anime, and esports. He’s always ready to create a guide on any game, from League of Legends to Call of Duty or GTA 6.

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