
Level Up Valve Revamps Deadlocks Matchmaking System for Better MMR

Valve is undertaking a complete overhaul of Deadlock’s matchmaking to enhance the MMR system, which has been inconsistent since the recent beta. Get ready for a more balanced and exciting gaming experience—stay tuned!

Charly Heude 02/09/2024 15:29

Are you playing Deadlock and find the matchmaking system a bit off? Don’t worry, it’s somewhat expected for a game that’s been in closed beta for just over a week. However, Valve’s developers are gearing up to improve matchmaking in the coming weeks.

On the official Discord server, accessible through an in-game link, developers are quite responsive to players’ questions. This weekend, one of the key questions was about the existence of an MMR-based matchmaking system in Deadlock, whether for global teams or specific role lanes.

To learn more about the evolution of Deadlock, check out our article on the latest Deadlock update that balances several heroes and fixes various bugs. You can also explore our comprehensive guide for new Deadlock players to master the basics of the game right away.

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Credit: @zephyreon4 – Discord (server Discord Deadlock Official)

Upcoming Improvements for Deadlock’s MMR

Valve’s lead developer, nicknamed “Yoshi” on Discord, noted that hero-based MMR doesn’t work well at the moment. He added that it will be much more effective once the complete overhaul of the matchmaking system is finished.

Some players have already noticed inconsistencies in Deadlock’s matchmaking, especially in group matches. “I’m either dominating my lane or getting completely crushed by a player who’s far above me,” one player explained on Discord.

These issues are normal, particularly with the constant influx of new players who haven’t properly calibrated their MMR yet. The current system is doing its best while waiting for a more comprehensive update from Valve, which should better adapt matches to each player’s level.

Written by the Insider:

Editorial manager at, Charly has been working in Writing and SEO for about ten years. He enjoys staying at home and chatting with strangers about gaming, the latest music videos, anime, and esports. He’s always ready to create a guide on any game, from League of Legends to Call of Duty or GTA 6.

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