
Master the Mid Boss in Deadlock Your Ultimate Victory Guide

Unlock the secrets to defeating the Mid Boss in Deadlock, power up your team with epic buffs, and gain the edge over your rivals with this ultimate guide. Dive in now!

Charly Heude 06/09/2024 10:07

The Mid Boss in Deadlock provides essential buffs that can turn the tide of your game. This guide reveals all the strategies you need to take it down quickly and secure its shard.

The Mid Boss is a crucial stage of the mid-game in Deadlock. Defeating it unlocks major buffs that can give your team a decisive advantage. However, to accomplish this, you need to understand how to effectively eliminate the boss without giving your opponents a free shot.

Looking for more tips to improve your Deadlock gameplay? Check out our comprehensive guide on boosting your PC performance or read our article on Valve’s latest measures to curb abuse in Deadlock.

Screenshot of the mid-boss in Deadlock
The mid-boss is situated in an arena at the center of the Deadlock map

How to Beat the Mid Boss in Deadlock

To take down the Mid Boss in Deadlock, you need to attack it with multiple players: no hero can currently solo the mid-boss. The reason is simple: its shield regenerates when not attacked, and as long as it has its shield up, it doesn’t lose health.

The key is to inflict continuous damage to prevent its shield from regenerating. Beware of the boss’s attacks, though. Use the natural covers around the arena to protect yourself and reduce its aggro.

Mid Boss Buffs in Deadlock

Once the Mid Boss is defeated and its shard is retrieved via a charged melee attack (hold down the melee attack button to charge your attack), your team gains several buffs:

  • 50% reduction in respawn time for one death.
  • 50% increase in the health of your minions for the duration of the buff.
  • Increased firing rate for heroes.

These buffs can dramatically change the outcome of the match, especially if you’re already gaining the upper hand. However, stay alert: the opposing team can steal the shard at the last second, which could undo all your efforts.

How to Play After Securing the Mid-Boss Shard

Fighting immediately after securing the mid-boss shard isn’t always a good idea. Your enemies will arrive in elevated positions and at “chokepoints” (side exits and a hole in the ceiling).

If you try to combat them while staying in the pit, you risk getting ACE’d: you’ll lose your buffs and give the opposing team a chance to catch up in souls, take down several of your defenses, or even finish the game.

The solution is to leave one or two players to secure the shard (Kelvin’s dome is ideal for this) while the others quickly exit to regroup on a lane, set up an ambush, or simply reset to buy items and regenerate.

Written by the Insider:

Editorial manager at, Charly has been working in Writing and SEO for about ten years. He enjoys staying at home and chatting with strangers about gaming, the latest music videos, anime, and esports. He’s always ready to create a guide on any game, from League of Legends to Call of Duty or GTA 6.

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