Apex Legends, once one of Respawn’s most popular games, is facing a tough situation: massive criticism on Steam and a decrease in player numbers. Despite a recent attempt to roll back the battle pass changes, negative feedback continues to pour in.
Recently, Apex Legends was already making headlines due to a controversial overhaul of its battle pass system for Season 22. Players voiced their discontent by leaving negative reviews on Steam. Even after the rollback of this overhaul, the situation has not improved; the game continues to receive massive criticism and lose players.
The Battle Pass Overhaul and Its Consequences
Respawn aimed to enhance the battle pass rewards by changing how players accessed them. Instead of simply using Apex Coins to buy the pass, players would have had to make real-money transactions. Additionally, the number of passes per season would have doubled. As expected, this change sparked a wave of criticism, causing the game’s rating to plummet on Steam.
Last week, Respawn reversed course, allowing players to use Apex Coins to purchase passes as in previous seasons. However, rather than appeasing the community, this decision seems to have exacerbated the situation. Negative reviews keep flooding in, not only due to the battle pass but also persistent issues like cheaters, matchmaking, and the game’s anti-cheat system.
A Decline in Player Numbers
Alongside the criticism, Apex Legends is also experiencing a decline in active players on Steam. Although the game remains one of the most played, it now shows its lowest figures since January 2022. This decline could be temporary, pending future updates, but it highlights that the game’s issues are far from resolved. Respawn will need to make significant efforts to regain the trust of its community.
Currently, the game’s rating on Steam is “Overwhelmingly Negative,” with only 7% positive reviews over the past 30 days. Most of these reviews are in response to the battle pass changes, but even after the rollback, the negative trend persists.
Source: PCGamesN